The industry will be challenged as utilities strive to meet environmental standards. Consequences for coal ash utilization will include a large increase in the amount of FGD gypsum, mercury-laden activated carbons in the fly ash, and a change in fly ash composition as utilities change fuel supplies in response to new environmental controls. The FLY ASH UTILISATION: 2014 is intended to provide a forum to meet and discuss the science and applications for coal ash, and to transfer knowledge and ideas that will benefit their innovative utilization, handling, storage and disposal.
FLY ASH UTILISATION: 2014 serves as synonym for a series of Indian conferences to highlight the use the CCPs as valuable raw material in our country. The conference is in FIFTH year, being organised every year beginning since December 2010. Fly Ash Association of India (faai) serves as co-organiser of the conference as the conference is one of the tools to exchange experience and to inform about new developments.
The FLY ASH UTILISATION: 2014 will be held on 12th & 13th December in New Delhi, India. To guarantee information on most recent developments for coal ash and desulphurisation product uses a call for paper was addressed to all parties in and outside Indian actively involved or interested in coal ash activities, from production, utilisation, regulation as well as research.
Practical Case Studies, Technical Presentations and Panel Discussions, divided among 2 days of six to eight concurrent sessions are anticipated. The technical sessions will be held on 12th & 13th December 2014 with its theme of the summit as "Fly Ash Utilisation Strategies for Sustainable Tomorrow”
12 - 13 December 2014, Radisson Blu, New Delhi